Lucan, The Civil War/ Loeb Classical Library 220.

Loeb Classical Library 220, Lucan, The Civil War (Pharsalia). Translated by J. D. Duff.

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  • Auteur : M. Annaeus Lucanus.
  • Volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding / Reliure : original red titled cloth with fine dust jacket, cartonné avec jaquette.
  • Etat / Condition : very good condition, dust jacket slightly rubbed / très bon état, jaquette avec minimes traces d'usure.
  • Format : In-16 / 17 x 11 cm.
  • Pages : XVI, 640, 8 pp.
  • Editeur : Cambridge, Harvard University Press / London, Heinemann.
  • Date : 1988.

    Latin and English on opposite pages. Bilingue Latin et anglais.

    Lucan (M. Annaeus Lucanus, 39–65 CE), son of wealthy M. Annaeus Mela and nephew of Seneca, was born at Corduba (Cordova) in Spain and was brought as a baby to Rome. In 60 CE at a festival in Emperor Nero’s honour Lucan praised him in a panegyric and was promoted to one or two minor offices. But having defeated Nero in a poetry contest he was interdicted from further recitals or publication, so that three books of his epic The Civil War were probably not issued in 61 when they were finished. By 65 he was composing the tenth book but then became involved in the unsuccessful plot of Piso against Nero and, aged only twenty-six, by order took his own life.

    Quintilian called Lucan a poet “full of fire and energy and a master of brilliant phrases.” His epic stood next after Virgil’s in the estimation of antiquity. Julius Caesar looms as a sinister hero in his stormy chronicle in verse of the war between Caesar and the Republic’s forces under Pompey, and later under Cato in Africa—a chronicle of dramatic events carrying us from Caesar’s fateful crossing of the Rubicon, through the Battle of Pharsalus and death of Pompey, to Caesar victorious in Egypt.

    The poem is also called Pharsalia.

    The Loeb Classical Library® is the only existing series of books which, through original text and English translation, gives access to all that is important in Greek and Latin literature. Epic and lyric poetry; tragedy and comedy; history, travel, philosophy, and oratory; the great medical writers and mathematicians; those Church fathers who made particular use of pagan culture—in short, our entire classical heritage is represented here in convenient and well-printed pocket volumes in which an up-to-date text and accurate and literate English translation face each other page by page. The editors provide substantive introductions as well as essential critical and explanatory notes and selective bibliographies.

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Condition D'occasion - Très bon état
Langue Royaume-Uni
Illustré Non
Publication Date 1 janv. 1988
Siècle 20e siècle
Auteur / Cartographe / Photographe Lucain
Editeur Harvard University Press
Première édition Non
Edition signée Non
Reliure signée Non
Aux armes Non
Reliure / Format Cartonné
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