Kreig, La médecine verte.

A la recherche des plantes qui guérissent. Traduit de l'anglais américain par Béatrice Rochereau et Serge Bricaner.

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  • Etat : bon, propre, couverture petite déchirure marginale, quelques faibles rousseurs éparses, sinon très bon.
  • Illustrations : 16 planches en noir et blanc hors texte.

    Margaret Kreig researched her topics by traveling with scientific expeditions to such places as South and Central America. To write about Chinese medicine, she traveled to China in the early 1970's and was one of the first Americans to tour medical centers there. Besides her many magazine articles she wrote two books of nonfiction, ''Green Medicine: The Search for the Plants That Heal'' (Rand McNally, 1964), and ''Black Market Medicine'' (Prentice Hall, 1967). ''Green Medicine'' told of the scientific quest for natural remedies in tropical rain forests as well as in up-to-date laboratories.

Condition D'occasion - Bon
Langue France
Illustré Oui
Publication Date 1 janv. 1968
Siècle 20e siècle
Auteur / Cartographe / Photographe Kreig Margaret
Editeur Plon
Première édition Non
Edition signée Non
Reliure signée Non
Aux armes Non
Reliure / Format Cartonné
Taille 21 x 14 cm
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