Herodian, History of the Empire / Loeb Classical Library

Loeb Classical Library 454/455, Herodian. In two volumes. Translated by C. R. Whittaker.

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  • Condition / Etat: very good, dust jacket with minor shelf wear / très bon état, minimes traces d'usures.
  • Volumes : 2 volumes.
  • Binding / Reliure : original green titled cloth with fine dust jacket, cartonné avec jaquette.
  • Format : In-16 / 17 x 11 cm.
  • Pages : XCV, 467, 8; V, 335, 8 pp.
  • Editor : Cambridge, Harvard University Press / London, Heinemann.
  • Date : 1969 - 1970.
  • Language / Langue: Ancient Grec and English on opposite pages / Bilingue grec et anglais.

    The History of Herodian (born ca. 178–179 CE) covers a period of the Roman empire from the death of the emperor Marcus Aurelius (180 CE) to the accession of Gordian III (238), half a century of turbulence, in which we can see the onset of the revolution which, in the words of Gibbon, “will ever be remembered, and is still felt by the nations of the earth.” In these years, a succession of frontier crises and a disastrous lack of economic planning established a pattern of military coups and increasing cultural pluralism.
    Of this revolutionary epoch we know all too little. The selection of chance has destroyed all but a handful of the literary sources that deal with the immediate post-Antonine scene. Herodian’s work is one of the few that have survived, and it has come down to us completely intact. Of the author we know virtually nothing, except that he served in some official capacity in the empire of which he wrote. His History was apparently produced for the benefit of people in the Greek-speaking half of the Roman empire. It betrays the faults of an age when truth was distorted by rhetoric and stereotypes were a substitute for sound reason. But it is an essential document for any who would try to understand the nature of the Roman empire in an era of rapidly changing social and political institutions.

    The Loeb Classical Library edition of Herodian is in two volumes.

    The Loeb Classical Library® is the only existing series of books which, through original text and English translation, gives access to all that is important in Greek and Latin literature. Epic and lyric poetry; tragedy and comedy; history, travel, philosophy, and oratory; the great medical writers and mathematicians; those Church fathers who made particular use of pagan culture—in short, our entire classical heritage is represented here in convenient and well-printed pocket volumes in which an up-to-date text and accurate and literate English translation face each other page by page. The editors provide substantive introductions as well as essential critical and explanatory notes and selective bibliographies.
Condition D'occasion - Très bon état
Langue Royaume-Uni
Illustré Non
Publication Date 1 janv. 1969
Siècle 20e siècle
Auteur / Cartographe / Photographe Hérodien
Editeur Harvard University Press
Première édition Non
Edition signée Non
Reliure signée Non
Aux armes Non
Reliure / Format Cartonné
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