1582 Pline l'Ancien, Historia mundi naturalis.ILLUSTRATED, Histoire naturelle. Illustré par Jost Ammann. Natural history of the world. LA16.

1582 Historia mundi naturalis … Hoc est: Amplissimum, perspicacissimumque, nec non plane mirandum totius universi, rerumque naturalium speculum. Francfort, Lechler 1582.
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  • Auteur : Pline l'Ancien / Pliny the Elder / Caius Plinius Secundus d. Ä.
  • Illustrations : Titre en rouge et noir, 2 gravures sur bois sur les deux pages de titre, une gravure sur bois aux armoires et 50 gravures sur bois in-texte , Title in red and black, 2 woodcut printer's device, 50 woodcut illustrations in text.
  • Volumes : 2 parties en 1 volume, 2 parts in 1 volume.
  • Reliure : parchemin de l'époque, contemporary full vellum. 
  • Etat / condition : bon état, demi parchemin avec légères frottements a la coiffe superieur, page de titre avec  déchirure env. 3 cm, quelques  taches ou pages brunis mais propre en general , tache de mouillure et trou de verre dans la marge dans  l'index a la fin sur une dizaine de ff. Ouvrage solide en bon état,  propre / Vellum slightly rubbed and stained, title page with 3 cm tear to margin, some folds . Very good condition clean inside with sometimes a brown page ( spots) in the end ( index) on about 10. ff  waterstain on the right and a wormwhole in the right margin.
  • Format : In-folio.
  • Pages : 1ff bl.- 4ff - 1ff bl. - 13 ff, - 1ff bl. / 528 pp / 26ff ( Annotationes) - ( deuxieme titre) dont  92 ff,  manque le Z1 et Z4 a la fin de l'index, & 1ff bl. 
                   le livre est collationé et complet sauf a la fin il manque le Z1 et Z4 de l'index, book is complete exept for the index at the end. ff Z1 and ff Z4 is missing.
  • Ref. :  VD16 P 3550; Adams P 1579; Nissen, ZBI 3191.
  • Editeur : Francfort, Martin Lechler pour Sigmund Feyerabend.
  • Date : 1582.

    Édition latine rare de l'histoire naturelle de Pline liée avec un commentaire de Sigmund Gelen (original de l'édition Froben de 1535) et un index de 186 pages. Première édition avec les illustrations de Jost Ammann, Heinrich Burgkmair et Christian Weiditz.

    L'histoire naturelle est l'une des plus grandes œuvres à avoir survécu à l'Empire romain. L'ouvrage est divisé en 37 livres, organisés en dix volumes comprenant des sections sur l'astronomie, les mathématiques, la géographie, la physiologie humaine, la zoologie, la botanique, l'agriculture, la pharmacologie, les mines, la minéralogie, la sculpture et les pierres précieuses. Illustré de différentes gravures sur bois, dont des animaux comme les lions, les ours et les dragons. L'histoire naturelle est considérée, à certains égards, comme l'un des premiers ancêtres de l'encyclopédie moderne, car les structures organisationnelles et l'indexation présentées ici sont reprises de diverses manières dans les travaux des auteurs ultérieurs. 

    Scarce Latin edition of Pliny's Natural History bound with a commentary by Sigmund Gelen, first published in 1535, and a 186 page index. 
    First edition with the illustrations of Jost Ammann, Heinrich Burkmair and Christian Weiditz. Beautifully illustrated with initial letters, various devices and 50 woodcuts including one map. The Natural History is one of the largest single works to have survived from the Roman Empire. The work is divided into 37 books, organised into ten volumes including sections on astronomy, mathematics, geography, human physiology, zoology, botany, agriculture, pharmacology, mining, mineralogy, sculpture and precious stones. Illustrated with many pictures on animals such as lions, bears and dragons. The Natural History is considered in some ways to be an early ancestor of the modern encyclopedia, as the organisational structures and indexing seen here are echoed in various ways throughout the works of later authors.

    he 1st book is the Preface of the Work, dedicated to Titus Vespasian Cæsar.

    The 2nd is on the World, the Elements, and the Heavenly Bodies50.

    The 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th books are on Geography, in which is contained an account of the situation of the different countries, the inhabitants, the seas, towns, harbours, mountains, rivers, and dimensions, and the various tribes, some of which still exist and others have disappeared.

    The 7th is on Man, and the Inventions of Man.

    The 8th on the various kinds of Land Animals.

    The 9th on Aquatic Animals.

    The 10th on the various kinds of Birds.

    The 11th on Insects.

    The 12th on Odoriferous Plants.

    The 13th on Exotic Trees.

    The 14th on Vines.

    The 15th on Fruit Trees.

    The 16th on Forest Trees.

    The 17th on Plants raised in nurseries or gardens.

    The 18th on the nature of Fruits and the Cerealia, and the pursuits of the Husbandman.

    The 19th on Flax, Broom51, and Gardening.

    The 20th on the Cultivated Plants that are proper for food and for medicine.

    The 21st on Flowers and Plants that are used for making Garlands.

    The 22nd on Garlands, and Medicines made from Plants.

    The 23rd on Medicines made from Wine and from cultivated Trees.

    The 24th on Medicines made from Forest Trees.

    The 25th on Medicines made from Wild Plants.

    The 26th on New Diseases, and Medicines made, for certain Diseases, from Plants.

    The 27th on some other Plants and Medicines.

    The 28th on Medicines procured from Man and from large Animals.

    The 29th on Medical Authors, and on Medicines from other Animals.

    The 30th on Magic, and Medicines for certain parts of the Body.

    The 31st on Medicines from Aquatic Animals.

    The 32nd on the other properties of Aquatic Animals.

    The 33rd on Gold and Silver.

    The 34th on Copper and Lead, and the workers of Copper.

    The 35th on Painting, Colours, and Painters.

    The 36th on Marbles and Stones.

    The 37th on Gems.


    Condition D'occasion - Bon
    Langue France
    Illustré Oui
    Publication Date 22 déc. 1581
    Siècle 16e siècle
    Auteur / Cartographe / Photographe Caius Plinius Secundus, Pline l'Ancien
    Editeur Lechler Martin
    Première édition Non
    Edition signée Non
    Reliure signée Non
    Aux armes Non
    Reliure / Format Cartonné
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